Research Thrust 2
Once predictive models are learned from data under uncertainty, we are in a position to optimize these uncertain models with the
goal of maximizing system performance while minimizing resource use. Two optimization settings arise. The first addresses the
question of how to optimally steer experiments (either physical or computational) to minimize the uncertainty in inferred models
or maximize the information gained. The resulting Bayesian optimal experimental design (BOED) problem presents enormous mathematical
and computational challenges: the Bayesian inverse problem—challenging as it is—is just a subproblem within the outer OED optimization problem.
The second optimization setting builds on the uncertain models that have been inferred from data generated from optimized experiments
to address what is often the ultimate goal of modeling and simulation: optimal control or design of complex uncertain systems. Optimal
control under uncertainty subsumes a challenging subproblem: just determining the objective function and constraints (which depend on
random variables) requires forward propagation of uncertainty through a complex model. The optimization problem—iterating the controls
toward optimality driven by gradient information—is then much more difficult than forward UQ.
Thrust 2 Has Four Sub-thrusts
Sub-thrust 1
Large-scale Bayesian optimal experimental design
Sub-thrust 2
Optimal operator design under uncertainty and optimal experimental design
Sub-thrust 3
Large-scale optimal control/design under uncertainty
Sub-thrust 4
Multifidelity methods for optimization under uncertainty